Westie Whispers
Home of the cold nose
and warm heart

Client Comments and Updates - 2015

"Patti and Martin (and Cynthia!),
We obviously are in LOVE with our new little guy - here he is already romping around the backyard like he owns it!
And, I think you know this, but Willie is playing with him and nobody was hurt! Willie is surprising gentle with his little brother! "
- Lena W.

Maggie May on her 1st Birthday.
Sent to us from Rachel W.
"Dear Patti and Martin and all at Westie Whispers,
Our Westie puppy is now three and a half months old and is doing great. She
is a joy to our family. Here she is after her first bath and nail cut. Thank
you again."
-Jon C.

We are loving the new addition to our family! Messi seems to be adjusting
well to her new home. She and Julian enjoy playing ball and racing around the
yard -- she loves being outdoors!"
- Mary S.
"Martin and Patti,
Thank you so much for our amazing puppy, Wolfgang. He chose us right away, he had an immediate connection with Quentin and our family. After all of Steve’s back and forth, he is very much in love; he would have adopted 2 if they were available. Wolfgang ate and drank right away, LOVES running in the back yard, he laughs the whole time and conquered our deck stairs this morning, then he practiced 10 times to make sure.We are so very happy and thankful for this new guy in our lives. We will send pictures as he gets older. Thank you again!"
- Merridee M.

We adopted a Westie from you that was born in Janurary 2015. Wally is a wonderful addition to our family. He is pictured here along with Lucky our 12 year old. Wally has added new life to Lucky and they are now great side kicks, and always playing. Wally is a very fast
learner, in fact has taught Lucky new tricks."
- Lance R.
"Hello folks! Just wanted to send you an updated photo of our wonderful Wally. We picked him up in January this year and he is quickly coming up on his first birthday. He is an amazing addition to our family. Wally is a very smart dog and is such a little lover. Thank you so much for all of your help and support from the get go."
- Andrew W.

Proud dad, Rob R., sent us this picture of 2-year-old Cooper Smithburg (son of Pearl and Obiwan) who he reports is " thoroughly loved, adored, and spoiled"!
"Good morning Patti,
I wanted to write and let you know that from the moment I saw my new puppy Lachlan, my whole world has changed. Lachlan is the perfect little boy. He is very cuddly and playful and smart! He loves his backyard, digging and rolling around in the grass. He loves to cuddle with me in the morning and at night when he is tired. I wish I could sit and hold him all day. He also does really well at night – he has slept through the night since the first evening. Thank you so much for this precious, perfect little boy – words cannot describe how much joy he brings to me and my husband! I’ve attached a few pictures so you can see how big he is getting.
Thanks again for the wonderful puppy!"
-Rebecca S.

"This is Elsa. She wears her red leash all the time. Otherwise we can't catch her. When she wants her walk she picks up her leash and comes and stares at me...
Last week she went through her doggie door and her leash got caught so she
was hung up. She looked back, grabbed the leash in her mouth and backed up
pulling the leash loose.
She clearly recognized the problem, thought about it and solved it. Very surprising."
- Jim

"Hi Patti,
Just wanted to thank you again for my little Westie puppy. "Tippy" is doing well and exploring all over. She has a great personality and loves to meet new people. It was nice to meet Martin and Cynthia yesterday. They both were very helpful with answering questions I had and the other family adopting the male. I'm trying to convince my husband to let me get another one, as it was so cute to see the two of them play yesterday at Cynthia's house.
Once again thank you so much for everything you did for me along the process of getting a puppy."
- Ginger L.

We wanted to give you an update on Hank! He is doing wonderful. He is such a joy and we couldn't imagine life without him. Here is his 1 year old photo, enjoy!

"I wanted to send a few photos of Hank. He is doing so great, we love him more and more each day!"
- Kelly and Brad C.

"Hi Patti & Martin,
Here is Maggie at just over 7 months. She is the friendliest dog. She weighs a little over 12lbs right now."
- Rachel W.

"Hi Patti and Martin,
Just a note, with a picture of Mattie and Babe…Mattie in the green harness, Babe in the Red. Thought you might like to see these girls. They had their first grooming on Friday. They did very well, happy to be there, and happy to see me when it was time to come home.
They are delightful girls, albeit a handful, but one I welcome. I sleep better than I have in years…exhausted by the time they go to bed, and I have lost ten pounds since I got them; they keep me very active, both are a positive.
I am so glad to have them in my life and thank you for these healthy, special Westies. Their personalities are emerging, very different from each other… their names fit them."
- Bea D.
Willie loves his cow cheeks.
Sent to us from Lena W.

"Hi Patti,
I wanted to let you know our little pup is doing just fine - we named him Walter. A big name for a little dog but it seems to suit him.
Walter is at all concerned about that he is small (he thinks he is huge and he is a tough little guy) but our GoldenDoodle is a bit unsure of how to play with such a tiny pup.
Thank you so much."
- Leslie C.

"We wanted to share some photos with you. Here is our baby Hank! We couldn't imagine life without him. He is beyond loved and so spoiled. He has taken over our house and we wouldn't have it any other way! :)"
-Brad & Kelly C.

"Just letting you know that the pup that we adopted from you last August is doing great, and we love him so! He has passed basic obedience and Canine Good Citizen classes. He seemed to know to use the "potty box" right from the start, and and at five months he stopped using that altogether, just goes in the back yard. He is a smart, friendly, energetic little guy! Thanks so much."
- Pam S. and Steve W.
"Hi Patti and Martin!
We are doing so great here- Willie the Westie is an absolutely amazing young man. We love him so much and reflecting, I continue to be impressed with everything from your communication to his disposition.
Thank you as always!"
-Lena W.

"Wanted to send a picture of Wylie at 6 months. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. He keeps up with our 3 year old. They get along so well. "
- Marilyn & Bob v.M.

"Here are 2 photos of Bailey and Westie Whispers' puppy, Charlie. In the 1st photo, Bailey is on the left and Charlie on the right. Photo 2 was taken at Christmas (they are wearing their holiday necklaces that flash on and off) and Charlie is in front and Bailey standing behind him."
- Kiki P.

"Maggie loves her bed, such a wonderfully sweet little girl. Thank you!"
- Rachel W.

"Hi Martin and Patti,
I thought I'd share a few pics of Skeeter. He is absolutely fantastic and became an instant part of the family. He's smart and personable and we love every minute with him. Not so surprisingly, he has become a bit of a social media sensation in Westie circles. I've had a number of people ask for your contact information and I've happily shared it. Thought you'd enjoy seeing how he's doing. "
-Matt B.
"Our Westie, Maggie, was born in 2007. She was the perfect dog. Her parents were Trystan and Amber. She was the best dog I ever had, even going back to my childhood."
- Catherine D.
"Dear Westie Whispers,
We adopted a puppy, O'malley, from you in 2007. O'malley makes us laugh everyday. We love his mellow personality and his unconditional love. O'malley is our third Westie we have owned. He is a delight to have around so we thought we'd like to get another one!"
- Jim and Jennifer C.
"Hi Patti,
I adopted Kenzie from Isha's & Finn's litter in May. Kenzie is thriving and is quite the adorable, little Westie girl!"
- Debbie V.
"Good evening! Last year, I adopted my boy, Ziggy, who just celebrated his 1st birthday today! He is wonderful and in great health! His mom and dad were Cooper and Odessa... My little Ziggy is the most amazing dog! He is brilliant! I have him in agility classes because he has shown a natural knack for running obstacle courses! I greatly appreciate your support. It says a lot about your company that you care even after your puppies are adopted. Thanks again."
-Dasha C.
"Patti and Martin,
We made it back home safely yesterday evening with Linnie. By the time we reached home, she had already stolen our hearts. She is eating and drinking, exploring her new home and loves to follow us around. She also lets us know when it's time to stop for a snuggle. So glad she is a part of our family."
- Jerry and Ed J.
"Hello! This is Kathy, I adopted the last puppy by Winston. My boy is 9 years old now and still the love, love of my life!"
- Kathy M.
"Over the years, we have adopted two Westie pups from y’all. Fabulous dogs! Nugget will be 14 and Lily will be 12!
We know the girls can’t live forever. We have done our research and we have learned that puppies learn better from adults. That being said, we would love to adopt two girls from your kennels!
Both of my girls were the last girls left on take home day, and I have to tell you, both have a personality that you just can’t beat! Nugget is such a good, quiet, old soul. Lily is a pot of spit and vinegar! Our vet still can’t get over the fact that the girls are 12 and 14! They sure don’t act their age!"
- Alyssa P.