Westie Whispers
Home of the cold nose
and warm heart

Client Comments - The Early Days
Page 2
These comments are from 1996 to 2010.
Comments on this page are from October 2009 (bottom of the page) to October 2010 (top of the page).
Hi Patti and Martin,
I hope you are doing well. Just wanted to let you know that Caspian is doing great, he is super sweet and playful. He plays most of the time and takes a lot of naps. I feel so happy and blessed to have him in my life. He is wonderful!!
The book is great and so helpful, it will really help with the training, thank you for sending it!! and thank you for the squeaky toy, he liked it a lot.
Thank you very much for everything!!
Best Regards,
I am attaching a photo of Nova, the little one that is on the front cover of your training book. She turned 1 on Nov. 7, 2010, and have been so busy that I never got around to sending you a photo of how much she has grown since then. She has really turned out to be an incredible dog - so well behaved and doesn't leave my side (a good thing!). I taught her how to wave "hi", box (she knows her right from her left paw when I ask her to throw me a right or left), and she is fine tuning her soccer skills. She is a blast and my ultimate joy! Both of these photo's were taken on her birthday.
We just wanted to give you an update on Jack. We got him January 2010, and he is the best behaved dog! He is the talk of the neighborhood, and everyone knows his name. We had the best experience with Westie Whispers and tell everyone about it!
Thank you!
-Kristen and Ryan
He arrived safely at the Phoenix airport and he is absolutely beautiful! Robbie and he are getting along great already. Thank you so much!!
Wally and Bentley are soul mates...they both have the same father...and are the sweetest Westies EVER!
Bently, the little brother, loves to run beside Wally...grabbing his leash.
Wally (short for "Sir William Wallace, the Braveheart of Rampart Highlands") and "Bentley" watch Animal Planet when we are out of the house....and have memorized commercials. When they hear a familiar jingle start...they both go on point...waiting for the "KAT" to appear in the commercial!
Thank You for providing us with such a profound source of true love and joy!
- Richard & Lynne
Hi Patti and Martin,
Our little Olivia (Satin and Orson) will be four months old February 10th (2011) and I thought I would write to you about her progress. Olivia is such a loving dog. She is social and loves people. She is affectionate and always wants to let us know how much she loves us. She is a licker! She cuddles all the time and must be touching you. She loves playing outside – running and jumping – even in the snow. She is a snow girl! What I love about her is that she is so inquisitive and wants her nose in everything.
I can’t compliment you enough for raising such loving, loyal, and social puppies. We’ve never had a dog that enjoys toys as much as she does. We will be excited when the baby teeth are out! We go to Dr. Sprecht and he is wonderful. He is really there for the dog.
We are true Westie lovers and it has been an easy switch from schnauzers. We’ve never had a girl so were not sure if her personality reflects that or if she is just a terrific dog. Thanks again for bringing such a wonderful “girl” into our lives. She is the apple of our eyes and we are enjoying her so much.
So little Hattie did great her first night at my parents! She was a little misleading though, she was so sweet and loving when we got her, and my parents got her home and she started biting everything! Haha! Just wanted to let you know that so far, so good...she has yet to have a accident in the house too. She is very much loved!
Have a good weekend
Patti and Martin,
I thought I would send you photos of our new family members. It has been almost 10 months since we came home with our little Buddy (Nelson and Opal), and our "surprise" little Emma (Orchid and Rohan)--we only planned on the little boy to keep our 11 year old Westie, Missy, company, but decided after seeing Emma, they would be great company for each other. After a few challenging weeks of remembering what puppies were like, we soon settled into a somewhat normal routine. Missy likes to be the boss, but also loves (begrudgingly) the attention she gets from the puppies. They are so loving and sweet, but also love to tear around the house and yard, chasing each other and having fun...typical Westies, and we love them all! Thanks for the wonderful puppies and the reassurance in the early days!
Rhonda and Lou
I thought you would like to see some recent pictures of Ray and Mariah with their "little brother", Ben. Ben is now 10.5 months. The three of them get along great. The cutest is when Ray and Mariah wrestle Ben to the ground.
They don't let his size bother them at all, after all they are Westies. Ray is very solid. I call him my "little muscle man". Mariah is my "little princess". They are very sweet babies. The groomer even commented that they are the sweetest Westies she has ever met.(Ray and Mariah were born to Ashleigh and Trystan's litter on 3-29-08)
Take care.
Patti and Martin:
We wanted to send you a quick update on our Westie Whispers babies! They have had a great 1st year and as you can tell from the attached photo, they love lounging on the furniture!
Spike is very loveable and is the biggest lap dog ever. He looks just like his mommy, Aweena. Gigi is petite, likes to lick and looks like her Dad, Sebastian. They are very loved and have become a great part of our family.
Thanks again for helping us find our best friends!
I just had to send you a quick e-mail to tell you how much we adore our sweet Westie Cody. We picked him up on January 2nd 2010, and he is a wonderful addition to our family! Here's a photo for you!
-Jen, Chris, Will and Sofia
P & M,
Tango Is getting so big. I adore him! Seems like yesterday when he was just a little chunky white body :) Here's a photo of Tango enjoying a drive in San Antonio with the wind in his hair. Alvin and I are looking forward to figuring out which pup will be brought into our home :)
Hi Patti and Martin,
I am writing to tell you how much we are enjoying our little Diego. It is obvious the care and love he has been given all along. He is pure joy.
Martin, thank you for your advice when we picked him up. You were so right. He does live in the moment, and we do have to remind him to eat. All of the things that you told us were right on, and we have been following your advice since bringing him home. He has had only two accidents in the house and sleeps in his crate without a bit of crying. In fact he loves it.
Thank you for all that you did in his early life to make him the puppy he is.
Warm Regards,
Most recent pic of Murdoch and Higgins in holiday garb. Hope you all have a great Holiday Season.
Patti and Martin,
As you know we picked up Olivia on Friday, Nov. 5th (Satin and Orson). What a dream girl she is! We have all fallen head over heels in love with her. You raised a wonderful puppy because she is so social and loving. She is inquisitive and yet cautious but she explores everything. She is so smart! She seems to know her name already. She loves to play with her toys and talks all the time as she is running or chewing something. She has gone to the bathroom outside since we brought her home. We had one accident the first day. She seems to know that the grass is where she should go. She LOVES to run in the grass with all the leaves. She runs, rolls and has a great time. She is using her nose to push the bell – not every time but she is getting there. The first night home she went outside at 2:00 am and 5:00 am to go to the bathroom. The last two nights she has slept from 10:00 – 8:00 am. She never cried any of the nights because she was with us all night. When the lights go out, she is sound asleep. She is a lover and a licker! She loves to cuddle and be cuddled.
We couldn’t have picked a better dog for us. I am so glad that I was referred to you because she will be a wonderful dog and we will cherish her for many years to come. Thanks for getting us the perfect puppy.
All the best,
It's been a couple of months since we got our two puppies (Winston and Mack) from Orson and Sahara's litter. We wanted to give you an update.
First and foremost, we cannot express how much these two little guys have enriched our lives. A day hasn't gone by that Winston or Mack hasn't brought a smile or laugh to each of us. We are grateful for having such smart, healthy, and happy Westies. We have and will continue to recommend your site.
The "boys" as we now call them have been attending training for the past 6 weeks and are doing very well. They are fast to pick up new commands and are enjoying our daily walks. Potty training went well also. This past weekend Winston and Mack got their first haircut. Our groomer gave us several tips when we first got them so they are familiar and comfortable with a brush and getting their nails clipped. When Nancy (groomer) called us to let us know they were ready, she said that she was taking them home with her. She could not believe how well they did at 4 months.
We will keep you updated with the further adventures on Winston and Mack.
Warmest regards.
-Pat & Bob
Winston Mack
Just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with our new little "Tazmin". She didn't get her name until we got home. After talking to Cynthia about her personality and watching her walk into our home and let everyone -- 15 year old Westie, 2 year old Chiweenie, and Jack the one-eyed cat know she was here to stay, it became obvious... She's not a devil but she's our Tasmanian Angel.
Best Regards,
Our family bought a westie from you about a year and a half ago. Rowdy is by far the most loved member of the family and is doing great! We were looking into getting another dog from you for my sister.
Thank you!
I just wanted to tell you guys how much I love the Westie I received from you last year. Tucker is 15 months old now and he is amazing. Tucker has really helped me get through my wife’s illness, I couldn’t have made it without him. Thank you all!
TANGO IS DOING AWESOME! He was 5.8 pounds the day after I got him and yesterday he was weighed in at 6.4. You are right... he is such a laid back pup, and takes everything in stride. He gets along very well with my cat, Tara and respects when she doesn't want to be bothered. She comes up to him, gives a good sniff and walks away. Tango was playing with Chloe and were wrestling around. Out of nowhere my cat just ATTACKED Chloe... (I have never seen this side of my domesticated, indoor cat). I think she might have been trying to tell Chloe to pick on somebody her own size.
Tango is getting exposed to a lot of things... car rides, grass, people... grooming... doggles (doggles... yes, doggles, please see attached photos) and lots of lovies. Chloe is a very hyper happy bolonoodle, so I have to put her in her kennel to enjoy some quiet bonding. He loves to be rubbed, and likes to rest his head on my legs. It melts my heart just to watch his tail wag.
I love Tango!!!
I’ve been meaning to do this for some time, but now that Jack is approaching his first birthday, this seems like a good time to finally update you on this wonderful addition to our family. Jack is from Ashleigh’s and Harrington’s litter, born 8/24/2009. He came home with us in late November, and we have loved almost every moment! He completed a puppy obedience class, and has just started a regular class, and has accomplished all the skills asked of him very well. He’s a quick learner, and makes me look good when we go to class.
He loves our four-year-old daughter, and wants desperately to play with our cats, who tolerate his presence fairly well.
Thank you so much for working with us in getting a great addition to our family.
Cathy, Brian and Sarah
Hello Patti and Martin,
I have so many pictures of Ding Dong that I have taken this past year. This picture is two days shy of his first birthday 6/14/10.
What a sweetheart! He has ME trained. He loves his morning walks, watches for rabbits hopping around in our front yard and makes sure the birds don't stay too long in his back yard. Running through the hose is a favorite pastime and biting at the water spewing from the end of the hose leaves him drenched but he goes back for more.
I could tell you endless stories about him but will just share the comments above and picture below for now.
Jeanne and Ding Dong
Patty & Martin,
I just thought I would give you an update on our “Wonderful” dog Wilson. We haven’t contacted you lately and thought it was about time for a new picture. Wilson will be 4 on October 12th. He has been a GREAT dog. He is so smart. He loves to camp, (you can’t even imply you are going camping or his ears go up). He loves to go for walks, play with the kids, sleep right by you. My husband calls him my little “sidekick” because he moves when I move. He has been such a joy. Also, we met our neighbors last summer only to find out that they have Brodie and Brianna who also came from your bunch. Wilson visits them regularly. Your dogs continue to be the best Westies out there. We will continue to get our dogs from your family. They are just great! Hope you guys are doing well.
Tina & Company
Hi Patti,
Thought of you today as my daughter snapped this pic of the boys with her blackberry. Wyatt is now 4 ½ months old and weighs 10 pounds! He’s doing so well. It’s been a slow go with their relationship but it seems that Macintosh (14 ½ years old) has gotten much more used to him in the past week or so. They enjoy going for rides in the car together and this seemed to be the common bond that has brought them together. Like I’ve been saying... it’s like putting an old man together with a teenager!
Thanks so much again for such a beautiful little one!
Hi Patti!
Our puppy Sierra is doing great. I realized when I emailed her photo (8 posts below) only the photo came across! She is healthy and is a little one, but we really love her. We are soo glad we found you guys, we may adopt another one soon.
Had to send one more pic. She’s growing up fast! Her name morphed from Cleo to Chloe as nobody could get it straight. So here she is after her first professional grooming.
I have attached a picture of our endearing family member, "Einstein", whom we brought home November of 2008. Einstein was born on our son’s 10th Birthday and has been the BEST birthday gift for our family. He has a VERY spunky personality, enjoys exploring, and knows NO strangers! We can’t imagine our home without him now. Thank you for breeding such wonderful dogs; they truly are the BEST breed of dog in our opinions.
-The Flaming Family
It has been a couple weeks since we got our baby boy up here in North Pole Alaska, and he is doing absolutly wonderfully. We hadn't decided on a name, and our 9 yr old son started calling him his little buddy, pretty soon we were all calling him little buddy, so it stuck and we now officially call him "Buddy". He is a really smart puppy, and is already showing he is protective of his family. He barks when strangers come in the door, but not when we do. We are so happy with him. Thank You so much for providing us with this great little boy. I have some pictures I need to load onto the computer and will send one so you can see him at his new home.
Thanks again,
-Amy and family
Took this photo of the two of them yesterday... Thought I’d pass it on to you and Martin...
"Wyatt" has settled in as if he’s been here all his young life. Vet appt tomorrow!
I just wanted to let you know how much joy this little boy has brought to our lives! We've named him "Amos" and he is such a delight! He makes us laugh, gives us love and is very smart. I will forward photos as he grows. Thank you for adding him to our home!
Just emailing you to update you on Miss Cleo. I got her home last Saturday and she’s settled in wonderfully. I love her dearly. She’s such a joy to have around. And she’s SO smart! I can’t express how much she’s loved and spoiled.
Thank you for such a wonderful puppy!
-Vita ‘n Cleo
Hi Patti & Martin,
Here is a photo of Sophie and Lexi.
-William & Doris
Murdock and Higgins (left & right) are a joy. They love the snow!
Hello there,
We were the lucky recipients of boy 1 from Olivia & Nelson's litter last fall (we picked up on Oct. 23). Oh, how we love our little "Oscar"! He's a sweet and loving little puppy and has made my transition into puppy owner (first dog ever--I'm 37) a wonderful one.
Duncan came to live with me a year ago and I can't imagine him not being here. He wakes up every day absolutely thrilled with everything in his life and his Westie attitude positively rubs off on every one he meets. He has yet to meet the human being or dog who isn't capable of being his best friend ever. Squirrels ... not so much. I love these two pictures of him surveying the winter landscape.
Just wanted to let you know how happy I am with "Nova". She hasn't left my side since I brought her home. She even had an opportunity to watch me do some creating on the computer - I think she learned quite a bit! She is such a joy and hasn't stopped wagging her tail one minute, so I think she is quite happy already. She did have a moment when she thought she had a sister as I have one wall in the house that is all mirrors. She was having quite the reaction to not being able to touch her friend...poor thing. She will be spoiled (she's an only child, what can I say!)
Thank you again
First day with Ding Dong Boo-Boo went great! Went to bed at 10 p.m. There was one minute of whimpering and he layed down. I had to wake him up at 2 a.m. to pee as I didn't want him to be uncomfortable..
At 6:30 a.m. I again woke HIM up to go out! He slept all night! Already goes to patio door if he has to go. Plays, sleeps and eats the rest of his day! I got the pick of this litter! Thank you so much.
Jeanne and Ding Dong Boo-Boo
My mom is in love with her new baby! Her name is "Bridget" and is as feisty as ever! She has also melted my father’s heart who in the past was kind of ambivalent about dogs. She’s a great addition to our family. Thank you for being so professional AND personal.
-Karen Mayer
Just a note to tell you and Martin how much I love my new baby girl "Daphne" (from Nelson and Olivia...Oct. 23 pick up). She is dear and full of life and charm. My cat Agatha is actually tolerating Daphne never leaving the room for fear of missing some of her crazy antics.
Did you guys paper train these puppies?? I was so shocked to find Daphne going right to the paper never having an accident!! If so THANK YOU!! It has made these early days so much easier.
Best luck with your business of making dog lovers happier.
I know I have not written in a while. "Mariah" has a serious boy friend at daycare. He is another Westie, and his name is Jack, just like my husband's. Good thing both of them have been fixed. "Ray" usually is very protective if Mariah gets too serious with a male dog, but he was fine with Jack, the Westie. Mariah's former boyfriend, Austin, a Jack Russell Terrier is not very happy. He growled at me the last time I saw him, which he never did before. I think he was upset that Mariah dumped him for Jack. It is like a little soap opera. Ray has a bunch of "buddies" but no girlfriend.
We just love our two babies and want to thank you again for them. I have attached a picture taken last month. Mariah is the one in the front.
Hello Patti and Martin-
Another photo to show how well "Ingrid" has adapted to her new family-
it took about 7 minutes of wanting to be in my lap and she has been on
the go ever since- it is amazing how quickly she has become a part of
my parent's life!
Many thanks again for meeting us at the airport and being so
Hi, Just wanted to let you know "Rascal" is wonderful. He is the happiest, smartest, most enthusiastic, cutest puppy ever. We love him. He went to see the vet got his shot and weighed 11 lbs. His a great addition to our family.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas from Fergus!
We wanted to let you know that "Fergus" (picked up on 6/5/09) is doing great! He is a wonderful dog (with typical "Westie" characteristics), and has brought much joy to our home. Fergus loves to play chase and soccer with "his" little soccer ball. He has also enjoyed playing in the snow! He definitely is our ~ "Good Boy Fergus"!
Thanks.....We love him very much
-The Kercheval Family
Just wanted to thank you again for the Westie puppy. This first week has been a lot of fun, he is really good and we are working on the potty training. Just wanted to let you know he now has a name it's "Cody".
Thank You!
-Ron & Judy
I just wanted to give ya'll an update on "Gandalf". I picked him up on October 8th and he's been great! He's so friendly with everyone he meets on our walks, including St. Bernard's! He's so playful and smart. Thanks for all of your help!
This puppy is amazing. My other westies love him. "Ollie" is so smart that
he's already started to catch on to ringing the jingle bells on the
back door handle to go outside. He is affectionate and funny and
adorable in every way. Thank you for bringing me an angel wrapped in a
little dog's body.
We thought you would like to know that Amanda's Daughter is doing fine. We have named her "Missy". We are enclosing some pictures of her and her new big brother, Connor, enjoying the December Tucson sunshine. They are still experimenting with how to play together. She is definitely all Westie.
-Bill and Linda
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E-mail us or call 303-243-15