Westie Whispers
Home of the cold nose
and warm heart

Client Comments and Updates - 2012
"Hi Patti,
We adopted Stella 6.5 years ago and her parents are Harrington and Annabelle. We love her so much!"
- David M.
"Hi Patti,
We got our new puppy yesterday (Daisy) and we all love her so much! She’s gone potty outside and there haven’t been many accidents! She’s eating and drinking well.
Thank you so much for giving us such a great new family member! She is the cutest thing!!!"
- The Greydanus family
"I got a female puppy ("Garlic") from Obi Wan and Omen. She is doing great! Our other dog Buffy is getting along well with her. She is great at going potty outside and she loves all her new toys!
I really had a great experience picking her up and having one on one time talking and seeing the puppies. Thank you so much!"
- Monica W.
"Hi Patricia,
Here are our girls. They both had Satin as a mother. Don't they look alike? Olivia is in front and will be 2 in September. Estelle is in back and she will be one in October (she belongs to our daughter Courtney).
They are wonderful, loving, smart, and caring dogs. They are very special to us. And what personalities they have! We are enjoying our time with them and love them dearly."
- Nancy S.

"He’s cute, healthy and . . . SMART! Thanks!"
- Norm J.
Thank you for such adorable, healthy, and well adjusted puppies. I love them both. Their names are Archie and Annie. We picked them up Saturday morning and they were right at home that day. Annie had the doggie door down pat by Saturday afternoon. Archie mastered it on Sunday. Yesterday they had their Well Puppy check and our vet loved them and was impressed. They are extremely smart. Again, thank you for these little sweethearts!"
- Lois L.