Westie Whispers
Home of the cold nose
and warm heart

Client Comments and Updates - 2019

Here's a picture of Ollie that we got from you on August 18th in his Christmas Jammies. Just wanted to let you know he is doing great and we love him so much. He's been nothing but a pure joy and amazing to us. So sweet, loyal, happy, silly. Thank you for this little nugget of joy!"
-Elizabeth B.
-Mary H.

"Hi there!
It has been one crazy fun month! My father, grandfather and I came to pick up our little guy on December 8th and left with a little girl as well! It took us quite a while to settle on a name, but we have chosen to call our sweet little baby Maesie (like Daisy with an M). Angus and Maesie are completely INSEPARABLE. We all feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to take them both with us and they are the happiest, healthiest little puppies! They were absolute angels on the plane ride home to California; hardly anyone even realized I had an animal with me, let alone two puppies! Both puppies just had their second vet appointment and Angus weighed in at 7.4 pounds and Maesie weighed in at 5.9 pounds!
Thank you for making this experience so incredible for us. The advice you gave us when we picked up the pups has been tremendously helpful. I've been bragging about how perfect our little babies are so you may have a few requests from California!"
-Taylor T.

"They are showing off their new sweaters. They are the sweetest, happiest dogs and we absolutely adore them."
-David C.
"Hi Patti and Martin
We can’t thank you enough for what a wonderful puppy that we got from you! Holly is such a sweetie and we just love her so much! We took her to our vet here- who has FOUR Westies- and he said she was perfect and weighed in at 4.8 lbs! Thank you again!"
-Susie S.

"Hi guys! It was great meeting you on Saturday.
Winston had a great first day in Denver before heading home on Sunday to sunny and hot Miami!
On Saturday he enjoyed playing in the snow at his aunt and uncle’s backyard and then slept through the entire night at our hotel.
Sunday was our travel day and he did so well on the plane. He slept the entire time and was a hit with the passengers and flight crew.
That night he met his big brother, Sebastian, my adopted, rescue Lab mix. They get along great and play together every chance they get. Even though Sebastian is 70 lbs, he’s so gentle and patient with Winston that enjoys chewing Sebastian’s tail. 😂
Monday we went to the vet and got a clean bill of health.
Winston is doing great and hasn’t really had any accidents. I’m training him with the wee wee pads and he’s gotten the hang of it almost immediately!
He’s a smart, adventurous, and feisty little boy!
Attached are some photos from his first 5 days with us."
-Tiffany B.

"Lilly and the girls in NYC."
-Heather W.

They love to watch TV

They love sleeping with our Bombay Kitty Stilton

They love to travel

"Hello Hello, Woof Woof! 🐾🐾🐾🐾
It has almost been 2 years since the purchase of our baby boys. We have had our lives changed beyond measure. They are our babies and spoiled rotten and we are spoiled rotten as well. I thought you would like an update.
They have been completely healthy and happy. So full of Westietude! They listen so well and have a wonderful home schedule/routine that works for all. They are so so loving around our 4 little baby granddaughters. ❤❤❤ I could write a very long letter about all they do. They are just AMAZING!
Stand UP tall for 1 minute for treat
Down to the floor
Roll Over
Other Paw
Now working on / Bang Bang playing dead
They love love love to go bye bye in the car! They hall butt at the dog park. LOL! I play soccer ball with them. That is, until I am exhausted. MacGregor walks great on his leash. Stetson the Duke pulls me. They fetch the ball and bring it back but it takes a bit for them to DROP IT! Here is some pictures and videos if I can send them. Enjoy the fruit of your labor and ours. Thank you for our blessings!"
-Kellie R.

"Almost 5 months! Not the best photo but he had his first introduction to grooming and it went fantastic. He is FANTASTIC! 😁"
"Martin & Patti,
Lorenzo has been the light of our lives! We love him so very much and he is growing into such a wonderful companion! He has all the best Westie qualities that we hoped for. Spunky and intelligent with a happy disposition—he is certainly a crowd favorite everywhere he goes. His name suits him well with his big personality and all that self esteem. He loves to run in the snow, play hide and seek, and cuddle. He does great with everyone (animals included) he meets. Lorenzo is healthy, strong and almost has all his grown up teeth in. There are too many wonderful things I can share about our little love but I’ll keep this short and sweet (like Lorenzo).
Thank you for your dedication to the breed and for bringing Lorenzo into our lives, it will never be the same."
-Alyssa & Sean B.

"Hi Patti,
Just wanted to send you a few pictures of Holly! She is so adorable! She is doing pretty good for 11 weeks!"
-Susie S.
"Ava is the most smart, sweet, perfect puppy I’ve ever had.
She is truly amazing. You do wonderful work raising happy, well adjusted dogs. She was obviously VERY well socialized when we got her.
I am stunned, happily, by her, every day.
I am passing your info on and I am seriously thinking of adding a number two."
-Audrey L.
"Just wanted to send you another picture of Holly! She had another bath last night! She really likes them- so did our Daisy. We still miss her so much but are crazy about Holly! She’s just adorable and really funny! In the morning when she wakes up, she stretches her two front legs and makes this squeaky sound when she yawns- it is so sweet!"
-Susie S.

"Hi Patti, Hi Martin,
I had to forward this cute photo to you. Frost and Cloud are doing well together.
Frost is super smart! She can already sit on command, rings the bell to go outside and walks really well on a leash! Another great dog! Thank you!"
-Michelle and Lucy H.
"MacKenzie's 18th birthday... and going strong! Sebastian and Angelique were her parents. No skin problems or any health issues ever. Hikes 2 miles every day, swims all summer. Hearing and eye sight diminished some but she never listened to me anyway... Still watches Animal Planet and barks at the dogs.Thank you for 18 years of fun and frolic Patti!"
-Mary Z.
Today was Cordelia’s third birthday. Just wanted to share a few photos and say again how wonderful she is. Thank you!"
-Chris and Gabriela H.
"Hello there!
My husband and I adopted a female pup from you wonderful wonderful people a year ago this last January and wanted to let you know our “River” is doing fantastic. A bit of a bully to our 11 yr old pit hound mix but we just love her to pieces."
- Tammi
"Cody, four months old, ready for his morning walk! He is the hit of my neighborhood, and a total sweetheart."

"Hi Martin and Patti,
Just a note to let you know I decided to name the puppy Piper instead of Riley. She's adjusting so well and is such a sweet, smart and loving puppy. We couldn't be happier. Her vet visit went well and her housebreaking is already in progress and she's doing great. I'm so in love with her, and Tucker and her get along really well. They love to play together and I think she has the upper hand. lol. Thank you so much for doing what you do."
-Darlene F.
"Hi Patti and Martin,
I just wanted to say “THANK YOU” for letting us adopt Bart. He came home with us on the 23rd of March, just after my 62nd birthday. He has gained one pound, 2 ounces in the past two weeks. Although he sort of has the idea about where to “go,” there have been a few accidents, but I’m not going to take potty training too seriously for another week or so. I couldn’t be more happy, and just thought I would let you know – he is Much Loved. Thanks again!"
-Robbin & Ted R.
"Hi Patti,
We picked up the pups and we absolutely LOVE them! (Who wouldn’t?) they are already great travelers! They slept most the way home. We are in for the night and both are eating well and playing.
Thank you for a great experience!
-Jodi B.

"Here’s Honey, born on Feb 8, 2017. At two years old she loves to run in our big yard and still loves to take anything she can get in her mouth out to the yard."
-Louise H.

"The best puppies! So quick to learn and such an easy puppy experience! We came up with names! Winston and Benson.
They love chasing our “Harleigh” around and very interested in the breed “cats”. Amazing that they already know to keep their distance from them! Playing hard and sleeping hard! We love them and again thank you for a great experience!"
-Jodi B.
Just wanted to send you a photo of our Sparky. He turned 14 this week. We adopted him from Westie Whispers, and of course has been a wonderful addition to our family. Life would not be the same without him.
Michelle F.

Just want to say hello. Bonnie and Clyde are celebrating their 1 year old birthday today by chasing each other and playing keep-away and tug-of-war, as they do everyday.
They are VERY happy and keep us laughing and smiling everyday as well.
Dave and Liz C.

Hi Patti~
I just wanted to share with you a very recent picture of Bexley. She turned 1 on 4/11/19. She’s a sweetheart. 💕
Hope all is well with you,
Julie B
A quick video (attached) to say that life with JR (1 year, 10 mos.) and little sister Isabela (10 mos.) is great. Today was a rainy day in Virginia and we were cooped up inside. The video is about the darn squirrel in the front yard, driving JR and Isabela crazy.
I call JR doing the family trait “show me the money” and every time he does it, everybody is charmed. Little sister Isabela is bigger than JR which surprised me. JR is 15-16 lbs. and Isabela is 18-19. They are my 7th and 8th Westies and are just fantastic in every way.

Patti and Martin,
Good afternoon, it was so nice to finally meet you both! Murphy has arrived safely in New York and we are thrilled to tell you he is a fabulous traveler. He has already won the hearts of his extended family. Attached is a picture with a couple of his biggest fans from their first play date.
Thank you for making our family complete again!
Lynn and Peter R.

I just wanted to thank you again for breeding the best pups ever! I love my McDuff!
I hope all is well!
Mary H.
Hello Patti
Bella turned 1 on May 14, 2019. We are enjoying every minute of her antics. Needless to say she is spoiled rotten.
Bella's favorite thing is to look out the window. She also loves going on long car trips with us. Everyone that sees her falls instantly in love with her.
My great grandson is still her favorite, although my husband is a close second. He gives her chicken when he thinks that I am not looking.
Thank you for the perfect addition to our family!
Sheri B

Hi Patti!
I hope all is well. Lillie is a year today and I cannot thank you enough for her. She is an absolute joy. So loving and friendly and she can go for miles and fetch a ball for hours and is still quite feisty. I love that little girl!
Thank you!
Donna M
Good evening Patti,
Such a pleasure to meet you and Martin. My apologies as I would have liked to spend a little bit more time with you.
I thank you and Martin for everything. You both do an amazing job and one can see that you have passion and a special gift.
Little Madeline arrived to LI NY all 👍🙏. She did fantastic in the plane and slept most of the flight.
Her first night at home, she slept pretty good and I was so happy to wake up and see that she is already an expert using her wee wee pads. You did an amazing job preparing her.
We love her so much she is our precious little treasure and we will give her the best❤️❤️
Thank you so so much,

So nice to meet you on Saturday! I just wanted to let you know that we eventually made it home to Savannah on Sunday. Rocco and Grace are now experienced travelers as it truly was planes, trains, and automobiles getting home- they even did great with a short overnight stay at the Westin Saturday night as flights were delayed / cancelled.
We rented a car from Atlanta Sunday morning and drove home to Savannah.
The pups have met their big sister Lucy and we are still slowly working on that relationship. The boys love their new puppies and although the excellent book tells us to wait 48 hours for guests > that’s the main thing we failed at but the puppies love everybody and everything 😁
They have done great potty training - Rocco is a little easier to read than Grace but only a few times not on puppy pad or outside so overall that’s a success!!
Here are some photos - we will stay in touch and send more soon!

Thank you again. I named him ‘Dustin’’Dusty’ he’s amazingly potty trained! My granddaughter loves him and the book which will be a keepsake! Everyone loves him. He’s trying to
tear everything up just like a normal, healthy terrier😂😂
we took Scrappy to training when he was a few month but I think I learned enough in training to train Dusty😊
Take care and God Bless!!
Donna H.
Camping With Kenzi and Mia
Richard I.

Lexi after her first professional grooming.
Kathryn S.

Archie has been with us a week and we could not love him more. He’s got the best personality: a little spunky and a big heart. He joined us yesterday on a Father’s Day hike out at Staunton State Park. We feel so lucky to have him.
With gratitude and best wishes,
Lisa, Matt, Audrey and Henry S.
We love her so much . Thank you for your insight on the teeth . I am so grateful for your email . She is so smart and curious and playful .
We don’t have the potty thing down yet but working on it.
Melanie C.

Hi Patti,
Just wanted to send you an update on our puppy from 6/8. He did wonderful for the 10 hour drive back to Montana! We are amazed at how well behaved and socialized he is. He’s a character!
Jack is adjusting well to our home and his big sister Gabby 💕

Good morning Patty,
Holly is 7 months old today- so I thought I would send you a few pictures of her! She is such a sweet puppy- we just love her! I saw that her parents, Melody and Cypress had another girl! She is really cute! Hope you’re having a nice weekend and that you have a Happy 4th of July!
Susie S.

Do you remember Ava?
She is the sweetest, happiest dog I’ve ever known 💗. Thank you so much. I adore her as does anyone that meets her!
Audry L.
Stella just turned 5. She is the love of my life and other than a tangle with the neighborhood cat, no health problems so far.
Stella is so affectionate! Every time we see the vet for her yearly check-up, he comments that she is allergy free, unlike some of the backyard breeders here in AZ.
Such a personality too!
Thank you......Jo H.
Here are a couple of pictures of Madeline the day she went for her first grooming session. She did fantastic!!
Have a great week,
Elvia M.

Hello Patricia and Martin,
It's been many years since we sent you an update on Dixie. Dixie is 13 years old now. She is so smart and has always had the sweetest disposition. She's a funny funny dog and makes us laugh every day. She loves people of any age. She loves her yard , snow or shine. She loves chasing squirrels and bunnies. She loves walks and car rides. Besides her food and treats she loves vegetables and fruit. She has her own tomato plants in the summer that she checks every day and eats the ripe tomatoes right off the plant. Dixie has given us so much joy and love since you let her into our lives.
Vicki, Tom and Haley M.

We just wanted to give you an update on how Finnegan (Finn) and Margaret (Maggie) are doing since we picked them up yesterday.
Both puppies are doing wonderful. They slept most of the way back to Cheyenne. They got to explore their new home and spent the afternoon chasing my parents dog around the back yard.
Maggie seems to be the instigator of the two. It takes a while for her to get Finn going but they quickly start playing and having fun.
They enjoy the Fromm's puppy food and are eating and drinking regularly. Everything looks good in the potty department. They are quickly learning to potty as soon as we step outside.
Their favorite toys are play ropes and a large play cow I found for them that has places to chew on.
Thank you again so much for such sweet smart puppies.
Nick and Amber L.
Patty, here is JR at 2 years! He is so good looking, sweet and calm. He is a terrific Westie as is his 1 year old sister Isabela.
Susan E.

This is our Abby Dabby Doo. She is an ornery girl and always into mischief.
Arlene N.

Finley say "Hi".
Bob B.

Hi Martin and Patti,
Just wanted to share a couple pictures of our baby girl,Piper, who’s now 10 months. She’s got so much personality and is so sweet. She really gives Tucker (4 years old) a run for his money. He has a lot of patience with her. First 2 pics are Piper; last one is Tucker
Again, thank you for these two beautiful Westie’s. They go everywhere we go and we love them so much. They’re fun, smart, loving, and the best looking dogs in the world.
Darlene F.

Hi Patti!
I hope all is well with you and the pups. My pup is the best friend ever! He loves to be on squirrel patrol, even on snow days!
Mary H.

Here's one I just took of Finley. All is going well.
Bob & Charlene B

Hello Patty and Martin! It has been 12 weeks since we brought Bailey home and I wanted to let you know how much we love her and what a good puppy she is! I will admit at the beginning we thought we may have chose the wrong sister - ha!
She is great in her playpen now and she will even walk in it and go to bed after 8 pm when she is tired. She will sit, heels very good, she will step in her halter - she puts her feet in the leg openings! She knows what we are going to do when the halter goes on and we get the Westie Whispers leash out from her drawer! Ed is teaching her to go through the dog door but that is not quite there yet. She is now teething. Front teeth are all in, some fangs in, a few to go yet and one molar out, so we have more to go. A wet washcloth folded and twisted then frozen seems to bring chewing comfort! She always rings the bell on the door to go potty now. She frantically rings when she has to poop so we run to let her out.
Anyhow I wanted to tell you she is a keeper and we love her! She has become a good puppy! We had a Tasmanian Devil when she was little. She did a lot of biting but no more! We just kept working with her and if we yelp or say ouch then she stops and does not want to hurt us. But we continue to work on it. Her baby teeth will be gone soon. She is really a character and pretty fun but also very sweet.
Thank you for our sweet little Bailey! We love her so much!
Micki H.

Dear Martin and Patti,
Thank you so much for breeding such a wonderful Westie! We decided on Leia for her name. Our two children, Kyle and Alex, thought that would be a great name for a daughter of Luna and Yoda! Leia is adapting well. Kenzie loves to play with her and Leia is usually the one who instigates the ‘tug of war” or the “chase”. We have to enforce a “time out” for Leia as she thinks she has boundless energy! We found that cuddling in the lamb skin as I weave is a great way for her to nap. Leia learns very quickly and is a real sweetheart!
Thank you,
Teri and Rick I.

Dear Patti and Martin,
We just wanted to let you know how much we are enjoying and in love with our “Sparkle” that we selected on October 19th. She is such an amazing puppy and so well behaved. She is quite the traveler and has just taken her third plane trip since we go back and forth to VA to be with grandchildren. Everyone who meets her is impressed at her calm nature.
We are very happy with our puppy.
Carol A
Just wanted to let you know that we are all home in AZ. Riley did very well traveling. We had a little car seat that was large enough to be a bed for him. I put it up front with us, put him in it, and he went right to sleep. He slept most of the time we were driving. We’re using this as his bed while he is this small and he sleeps right next to my side of the bed. He seems to be settling in well in his new home. He is a very active puppy and keeps me going. He “almost” sleeps through the night. He’s up around 4 AM, we go for a pee and play for about an hr and then I put him back to bed for about another hour and a half. He’s eating, drinking good. We had a New Puppy exam with our vet today and he said Riley was “perfect.” He weighed in at 4.96 lbs. and we have his next appointments set up for vaccinations.
It’s been 16 years since we had a puppy in the house, so I have forgotten so much. We love little Riley.
Thanks so much,
Judy and Ken S.

Merry Christmas !
Roger R.

Hi Patti & Martin,
It was so nice to see Martin. We had a really nice visit. Ozzie is just the sweetest little boy. I don’t remember our other pups being this small. He is holding his own against the monster girl that is Sacha. Now she looks so big next to him. I think by today she has decided that he is staying here and she does like him.
Thank you again for raising such precious pups.
Cheryl R.

Andrew B.

Today is Cody’s Birthday, Ruby’s last boy, I think, he is the hit of my neighborhood, and the sweetest boy ever! He gets along with my two cats, they entertain each other with chasing games, he is a love!
Thank you! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,
Penny G.

Bullet eats like crazy but wonder if he’s finished growing. Quite a bit smaller than Bentley.
Bryan U.

Hi Martin & Patti, - Update!
It has only been 2 weeks since we picked up Ozzie. That is unbelievable considering what Ozzie has done. I am sure it is because he has been watching Sacha. She is a good teacher. She was our smartest Westie of the 3 before. But both our other boys were really smart too. Too bad there is no way to test IQ.
Ozzie was jumping on the couch and walking straight over on to the lamp table in 10 days. Then yesterday (at 2 weeks) he went down the full flight of stairs to the lower level and back up. That is 15 stairs! The day before he actually went to the landing and back up so that was half a flight of stairs. No one was helping him or encouraging him. He just saw Sacha do it and anything she can do he has decided he can do also.
He is all legs and a spit fire. If he doesn’t want something he knows how to fight his way out. He is a real wiggler.
Thank you for our special little boy.
Cheryl R.
Westie Whispers....extraordinary people who created an extraordinary kennel producing extraordinary, intelligent and healthy Westie puppies!
I need say nothing more. This says volumes!
We bought our puppy this fall. We brought him home in November. We have had a Westie in our home for the past 25 years. The breed is an exceptional one. Our puppy from Patti and Martin is top notch in every way.
The entire experience has been delightful and joy filled!
Our thanks to Patti and Martin for dedicating themselves to and loving West HIghland Terriers.
Carole and Donald Y.
It’s been so long since I’ve messaged you. I apologize! Just want to say hello and happy holidays. Finlay & Fiona continue to make life better everyday! They are the absolute best puppies. So friendly and playful. They are attached at the hip, cannot be separated but fight like heck over toys and attention! We have taken them on cross country trips and they were perfect travelers, even going potty in the Dog Relief areas! They were very well behaved in the American Airlines Admirals Club!
We’re always checking your website, as our daughter plans to put in a deposit as soon as she has a house!
Happy Holidays!
Tiffany L.

Hi Patty :)
How are you and Martin? Sure hope that all is well and that you had a nice Thanksgiving! Thought that I would send you some pictures of Holly! The first one is in Florida, the second one was her experiencing her first snow on December 1st up here in Michigan (which was the day after her 1st birthday on November 30th!) and the last one was this morning- her first static!!! Look at those ears!!!
Thank you- Susie S.

Good Morning,
We spent a quiet day at home yesterday with Millie.
We put her in her area we made which she likes because we think our apartment is a little overwhelming for her at the moment and we did as you mentioned and Dan made her crate into a cave out of our entryway carpet. She settled into that nicely!! We’re super proud parents. Last night we left the door open so she had access to her area and she slept just fine until about 5am when she woke us to tell us she’d been potty on her potty area.
Today will be another quiet day or as quiet can be with a puppy who’s discovered her toys and is in the process of destroying them!
Thanks for the great Puppy Day!
Melissa and Dan B.

Hello, it’s our first C’mas in Colorado. We’ve learned so much. We both run after squeaky tennis balls 🎾. It’s so much fun. We run down the long hallway before the ball goes under the bed. We roll over so our tummy gets rubbed.
We are healthy, in February we get our teeth 🦷 cleaned. We’ve gotten used to grooming every six weeks. We get lots of hugs and we are always together. We have been taught a daily routine with walks, breakfast, then a short nap then play time. We love watching all animal channels. We look behind the TV but the animals are never there. We have so much fun with our mom and dad and we have lots of toys. We love our toys. Missing your petting and your hugs. Hugs from us to our brothers and sisters. We are being good so Santa 🎅🏼 visits us. Happy Holidays and the best to you for a healthy, happy upcoming year.
Joni T-Y.

Season’s Greetings from our three Westie Whispers alumni—Kelso, Higgins, & Murdoch (back to front). Hope all is well with you and that 2020 is all you hope it to be!
Casey S.